Enjoying the summer weather always comes with a few indulgences, whether that be eating, shopping, or vacationing. If you’re looking to get back to...
Most people head to bathhouses for a detox, but what about for a digital detox? In today’s day and age where smartphones are ubiquitous, sometimes we...
Dealing with stress is an essential life skill. Let AIRE experiences be one of your techniques for taking a big breath and living to the fullest with...
The big day is approaching. Your kitchen table is littered with wedding invitation samples. You’re scouring every boutique in town for the perfect...
Slow down. What’s the rush? The modern-day rat race has us moving at the speed of light most of the time, but it is only in slow movement that we...
Sleep is essential to your well-being. You need sleep to be alert, think clearly and avail of all your energy and strength, as well as to avoid...