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Feng (water) Shui (wind) is an ancient Chinese system that teaches us to find balance and harmony in our lives by redirecting the flow of energy (...
Slow food is fast food’s worthy opponent. When it comes to cooking and eating, slowing down is very positive. It allows us to take the time to...
Pulsing with medieval history and affluence, the neighborhood of El Born in La Ribera Quarter is one of Barcelona’s oldest medieval neighborhoods...
Plants don’t exclusively belong in a garden, and gardens are not exclusively outdoors. You can create your own hanging, indoor garden with...
Super food for super humans? You bet! Superfoods really do have high and valuable nutritional content and that in itself makes them super over all...
Wondering how to get a glowing skin this summer? Although the sun is always more than eager to share its radiant glow, the best way to feel and...
