How to get a glowing skin this summer

Wondering how to get a glowing skin this summer? Although the sun is always more than eager to share its radiant glow, the best way to feel and look great is to protect and take good care of your skin. Even though most of us forget or don’t bother to go through the bare (and simple) essentials, the great news is that absorbing the sun’s beautiful glow in a safe and healthy way is achievable at minimal effort with essential skin care routines, and simple things like drinking water and eating the right foods can go a long way. 

Whether at the beach, the mountains, playing outdoor sports, or even at home or the office, the following tips will help you care for your skin from the outside in, and lead to you to incorporate and make better choices of nutrition and daily routines.

How to show off radiant skin

The essential steps to show off radiant skin are relatively simple. First and foremost, clean your hands! As a rule of thumb, the more you know about your skin type the better. Hot water makes skin dry, so if in doubt, go for lukewarm water. 


Before bed and as soon as you wake up, cleaning your face and neck should be the last and first thing you do respectively. Lather and gently massage your face with circular motions thoroughly, then wash with a cleanser for your skin type for 20-30 seconds. Make sure to rinse out all excess. As an extra step, try some cleansing milk to unclog your pores. Focus on the T and U-zones, and gently pat dry with a soft, clean towel each time. 


You can also benefit from a chemical peeling, which quickly removes the top layers of the skin, making way for new skin to grow softer and younger. Your face will rapidly get back its radiance and balance out your complexion.


Before going to bed, make sure you put on a generous amount of moisturizer that is appropriate for your skin type, particularly on your neck and face. Moisturizing at least once a day secures the existing water in your skin, which prevents it from drying, keeps it smooth and removes wrinkles.


Even if it is cloudy, it is important to protect your skin with sunscreen that blocks both UVA and UVB rays, preferably SPF15 or SPF30. It is also ideal to reapply every 1-2 hours, particularly if sweating or in the water, which reflects the sun’s rays and causes bigger sunburns.

Although we try our best to reach out for that sunscreen every hour or so, we have all been victims of that terrible sunburn at least once. Forgetting to apply (and reapply) sunscreen is the most common cause of skin peeling, which is the body’s natural way of getting rid of dead skin cells. To slow down the peeling process, clean with cold water and apply lotion with aloe vera for soothing effect. 

Perfect skin from the inside out

Just as the eyes are the windows to the soul, the skin is a reflection of how well you feel on the inside. Beyond taking physical care our skin, what we ingest and put in our bodies also affects our skin. Keeping hydrated, eating skin superfoods and taking care of the rest of our body will always be evident in our skin

Drink enough water

There is one easy step you can incorporate in your daily routine right now, and that’s drinking more water. The recommended amount is 90-125 ounces a day, but if your daily intake is nowhere near that, even one more glass on top of what you regularly drink is already a great improvement. Water increases your brain power and energy, and it also keeps your skin soft, hydrated and moisturized.

Food you can eat for a perfect tan and skin protection

Believe it or not, there are foods that you can eat for a perfect tan and skin protection.

ORANGE: Carrots, sweet potatoes, apricots, peaches and cantaloupe have high contents of carotene, beta-carotene and vitamin A, which affect skin coloration that result in a natural tan, and also fight free radicals and protect cells.

RED: Tomatoes, cherries and peppers, also contain beta-carotene and vitamin A.

GREEN: Spinach, kale and broccoli, contain beta-carotene and also affect skin pigmentation. In addition, vitamin A and lutein protects your eyes from sun damage.
Take care of your inner self

Last but not least, it is so important to take care of your inner self. Eating healthier foods and cutting out on dairy, gluten and sugar on a periodic basis drastically improves your skin and boosts your mood. Without a doubt, feeling good makes you look good!

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