Healthy smoothies to start the day with energy

When making breakfast gets in your way, healthy smoothies will save the day! If cooking is the last thing you want to do after you wake up, you can still get your dose of vitamins, nutrients and minerals that will provide you with the necessary energy to start your morning. All you need to do is gather your favorite fruits and veggies (preferably frozen), toss them in a blender and add almond milk or yogurt and voilà; you’ll have a drinkable breakfast that will kickstart your day. Here are some fun and creative combinations to start drinking your healthy breakfast right away!

Oatmeal and apple smoothie

It has been said that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, so why not blend in a sliced apple to your oatmeal and make it deliciously sweet and nutritious smoothie? Not only is oatmeal gluten-free and one of the healthiest grains; it also provides important minerals, antioxidants, vitamins and fiber, which can aid in lowering cholesterol. Apples are full of flavonoids, antioxidants and fibers, which help lower your cholesterol and of course add a delightful taste to your oatmeal.

Green smoothie

Eating your greens doesn’t have to be an unpleasant experience. The best way to get your daily serving of veggies is to blend them in with a base of water, apple juice or almond milk, and top it off with a twist of lemon or ginger. Among the greens you can incorporate in a smoothie are celery, kale, spinach, spirulina or arugula, which are all chock full of magnesium, calcium and iron.

Plum smoothie

If you have never considered using plums in a smoothie, think again; plums are a great source of potassium, rich in antioxidants and fiber, which promote bone and heart health, can lower blood pressure and help prevent and treat constipation. Boasting a peculiar tart taste, plums mix great with bananas, blueberries, yogurt and a pinch of ginger.

Peach and pineapple smoothie

Peach is a great source of potassium, vitamin C and iron. Not only does it provide wonderful benefits for the heart; it also contains a generous amount of fiber and enzymes that help keep your bowel movements regular. Although life should always be peachy, too much sweetness can become a bit bland. Adding a few slices of pineapple, which gives great support to your immune system and is also rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, can give your smoothie a tangy boost that will make the rest of your day even tastier.

Red fruit smoothie

Red is the color of love, energy, blood and the heart. No wonder that most of the red berries are great for heart health, which is why red should be the color of your next smoothie. Strawberries are a great source of iron, calcium and dietary fiber, and help reduce heart risk; cranberries are great for fighting free radicals and urinary tract infections, while also improving heart health, and raspberries are full of vitamin C, folate and potassium. While you’re at it, add a beet to make it extra sweet: it helps lower blood pressure while providing fiber and vitamin C.

Turmeric and coconut smoothie

Turmeric is a spice that, apart from giving curry its yellow color, contains a fat soluble medicinal compound called curcumin that is full of antioxidants and acts as a natural anti-inflammatory. Coconut is known to help protect the body from heart disease by lowering the bad cholesterol in your body. It is also rich in potassium and full of a healthy dietary fat called medium-chain triglycerides, which makes it the ideal companion for turmeric in a smoothie.

Orange and mango smoothie

Possibly the most squeezed fruit for making juice, oranges are a staple element of every breakfast. Not only does it provide with all the vitamin C we need all day; it also has potassium and fiber, which aid in heart health and help lower blood pressure. Oranges are a great tangy base for combining with other tropical fruits such as mango. Mango is also a great source of vitamin C, aids in digestion and creates a zesty fusion of flavor, making it a wonderful combination for an energizing and flavorful smoothie. Now orange you glad this has mango? 

If you’ve enjoyed this articles, you should read How to eat healthy in a processed foods world.

