Terms and Conditions AIRE Ancient Baths Copenhagen


Kun bestillinger, som er BETALTE gennem dette medie, er valide. For at reservere på en anden måde, skal du kontakte AIRE Ancient Baths (Copenhaguen) +45 80 83 0610.


Vi anbefaler, at du booker på forhånd for at sikre, at din foretrukne tid og oplevelse er tilgængelig.


Minimumsalderen for adgang til AIRE Ancient Baths er 18 år.


AIRE-oplevelsen er baseret på ro og afslapning. Gæster, der ikke respekterer reglerne for brug, betingelserne for stilhed og andre retningslinjer beskrevet ovenfor, kan blive bortvist. Hvis du har særlige krav eller behov, anbefaler vi, at du kontakter os forud for dit besøg eller din booking for at diskutere arrangementer/krav.


Informer os venligst på bookingtidspunktet om eventuelle helbredsproblemer, allergier, skader eller særlige tilgængeligheds-/mobilitetsbehov, der kan påvirke din service.


Vi beklager, at vi ikke kan holdes ansvarlige for tab eller skader på personlige ejendele under dit besøg hos AIRE.  Opbevar venligst alle dine værdigenstande i dit aflåste skab under dit besøg og sørg for, at det er korrekt låst, før du forlader omklædningsrummet for at begynde din oplevelse.

Hvis du har problemer med din reservation, bedes du kontakte dit AIRE Ancient Baths center.

1. - Legal Framework

AIRE Ancient Baths Copenhagen ApS

CYR number: 38103520

Address: c/o 360 Law Firm, Gammel Konjevej 60, 18

Postal Code and City; 1850 Frederiksberg C


In compliance with current legislation, the entity AIRE Ancient Baths Copenhagen ApS which operates via the internet from the website WWW.BEAIRE.COM describes below in detail the general terms and conditions for the products and/or services it offers, from which the rights and obligations of the parties have their origin.

2.  Identification

The present General Terms and Conditions (hereafter referred to as "conditions") have the regulation of the relationship between AIRE Ancient Baths Copenhagen ApS (hereafter referred to as "provider") and the clients (hereafter referred to as "user") as their function. This relates to all the transactions carried out via the website’s online shop.

2.1.- Offeror Company

AIRE Ancient Baths Copenhagen ApS

CYR number: 38103520

Address: c/o 360 Law Firm, Gammel Konjevej 60, 18

Postal Code and City; 1850 Frederiksberg C


If necessary, complaints can be addressed to the following address, which is where this company has its registered office:

  • Address: c/o 360 Law Firm, Gammel Konjevej 60, 18
  • Postal Code and City; 1850 Frederiksberg C
  • copenhagen@beaire.com

And the other party:

2.2. The User

A user or client is understood to be the internet user who acquires this status by registering on the website using a form and assigning themselves a user key and password over which they have full responsibility for their use and custody. They are responsible for the veracity of the personal data given to the provider, as we shall see in the section on User Registration.

3. Acceptance

By accepting these conditions, the user declares:

  1. That they are a person with the capacity to contract in accordance with current regulations.
  2. That they have read and accepted these conditions.

4. Availability

At any time, the user, prior to the initiation of the procedure for contracting products, has access to these conditions, which may be stored and/or reproduced on a durable medium.

5. Validity or Duration

The period of validity or duration for the present conditions and particular terms and conditions will be the time that they remain published on the aforementioned website, and will be applicable from the moment in which the user makes use of the web site and/or proceeds to contract any products.

6. Modifications

The provider reserves the right to unilaterally modify these conditions without it affecting the goods or promotions that were acquired by the user prior to their modification.

The user commits to reading the terms and conditions carefully each time that they proceed to contract a product, as they may have been subject to change since the last time that they consented.

7. Nullity

If any provision in these conditions is found to be wholly or partially invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity shall affect only that provision or that part thereof which is found to be invalid or unenforceable. The remainder of the conditions remain unaffected.

8. Purpose of Contract

The purpose of this contract is to regulate the contractual relationship of buying and selling between the provider and the user that begins when the latter accepts the purchase during the online contracting process by means of the mechanisms set out below.

The contractual relationship of buying and selling involves the delivery, in exchange for a price determined and publicly displayed via the website, of one or more specific products.

Due to the different formats in which the products are marketed or packaged, or due to the nature of the product itself, each one of them may be subject to a specific regulation by means of their respective terms and conditions. More details on this will be given in the section on guarantees, returns, cancelation, or in the fact sheet for the product itself.

9. User Registration

The user may carry out the purchase of products, experiences or gift boxes through the website by clicking on the "Gift" and "Reservation" buttons to the upper right of the page.

10.  Geographical Scope

This website operates and sells in Spain, Denmark and the United States. This geographical scope is hereafter referred to as the "Territory." The use of this website as well as any purchases made on it are considered to be made in Spain, and are therefore subject to current Spanish laws and regulations. The Provider does not accept or deliver orders outside of the aforementioned Territory.

All of the above is without prejudice to the fact that we will soon be able to offer these services in the excluded scopes, in which case they will be announced in advance on this website.

11. Product Information

The Provider pays great attention to information related to the product features by means of descriptions and photographs illustrating the products. All this is done within the limits of technology while respecting market standards.

12. Taxes, Currency and Shipping Costs

In accordance with current regulations, all purchases made through the website will be subject to taxes of 25% in the case of bath services, massages and experiences.

The prices specify whether or not they are advertised with taxes, and in any case will be shown in Danish Krone (Kr). These prices, unless expressly stated otherwise, do not include shipping costs or any other additional services and supplements for the purchased product.

13. Language in which the Contract is Developed

The contracting procedure and pre-contractual information are in English, Danish and Spanish. These languages will be used to carry out the contracting.

14. Steps in the Contracting Process

14.1 Overvejelser før ankomst og forudbestilling

De følgende udsagn er ikke personlige meninger om vores egnethed for personer med særlige mobilitets- og/eller tilgængelighedsbehov, men har til formål præcist at beskrive de faciliteter og tjenester, som AIRE Ancient Baths tilbyder alle sine besøgende.

AIRE Ancient Baths ligger i en gammel bygning, der kombinerer forskellige rum og typer af bassiner på forskellige etager, så det er ikke altid let at finde rundt. Det er derfor, vi opfordrer vores kunder til at kontakte os for at diskutere deres behov.

Vi råder gæster med særlige behov for tilgængelighed/mobilitet til at besøge spaen med en ven eller plejer, der kan hjælpe dem med at komme rundt i spaen. Vi tilbyder en særlig rabat på spa-sessioner til alle handicappede gæster og deres plejere. Informer os venligst om eventuelle handicap, før du ankommer, så vi kan skræddersy oplevelsen til dine behov.

Det kan ikke garanteres, at elektriske kørestole kan opbevares under besøget på grund af begrænset plads, og korridorer/brandudgange skal til enhver tid holdes fri. Scootere er ikke tilladt inde i spaen, men kan parkeres foran hovedreceptionen, hvor de kan efterlades på ejerens risiko.

Elektriske kørestole er ikke tilladt i bade- og massageområdet. Der er kørestole til rådighed, så gæsterne kan få adgang til faciliteterne. De er til almindelig brug og er ikke tildelt en bestemt kunde. Personalet er ikke til rådighed til at skubbe gæster rundt i spaen, så vi anbefaler, at du medbringer en hjælper til at hjælpe dig.

Scootere er ikke tilladt på området. De skal parkeres uden for indgangen på ejerens ansvar.

Bemærk venligst, at vores personale ikke er uddannet i "manuel håndtering af personer". Vi anbefaler, at du ledsages af en plejer. Hvis det ikke er muligt, bedes du kontakte os på forhånd for at drøfte dine behov.

Af hygiejne- og allergihensyn kan vi ikke give førerhunde adgang til omklædnings-, bade- og massageområderne, og vi har ikke plads i vores lokaler til at passe dem. Vi råder dig til at tage en ven eller plejer med dig og give os besked i god tid, så vi kan organisere den bedste måde at hjælpe dig på inden for vores rammer.

Hvis du har særlige krav eller behov, anbefaler vi, at du kontakter os før dit besøg eller din booking for at diskutere arrangementer/krav. Vi vil med glæde arrangere et besøg, før centret åbner om morgenen.

14.2. Registration

In order to begin the product contracting process on WWW.BEAIRE.COM, it is first necessary to access the sections "Gift" and "Reservation.”

14.3. Reservation process

The purchase process is easy and simple. Depending on the product type, the reservation consists of the following phases:

Experience reservation:

  1. What day would you like to book?
  2. Promotional code / gift box
  3. What time do you want your experience to start?
  4. Which AIRE experience do you want to enjoy?
  5. Do you want to enhance your Experience?
  6. How many of you are there?
  7. Summary
  8. Reservation data
  9. Payment process
  10. Reservation confirmation

To book one of our AIRE experiences, click on "Book your AIRE Experience" on the right-hand side of our main page or click on "Book" from the main menu and choose "Book your AIRE experience":

  1. What day do you want to come? You have to choose the date on which you want to enjoy your AIRE experience. Click on the day of your choice and it will take you to a new phase.
  1. Promotional code/gift box. In this phase you have the chance to redeem any promotional code or gift box. You can choose another day by clicking on "RETURN," or, if you do not have a promotional code or gift box, click on "No, thank you" to continue with the reservation.
  1. What time do you wish to start? In this phase you have to choose the time you want to enjoy your AIRE experience. The schedule available will be automatically update on the website. Click on the selected time to proceed with the booking.
  1. Which experience do you want to get acquainted with? This phase shows the list of AIRE Experiences available for the day and the time you have previously chosen. For each experience you receive the following information:
  • Price
  • Name of the experience
  • Number available
  • Descriptive photography
  • Link for obtaining detailed information
  • Link for adding the experience to your booking

Click on "+" to add the experience(s) to your booking. Once added it will show a purchase summary to the right of the page and you must click on "Continue" to proceed with the reservation.

  1. Shall we improve your experience? In this phase we show the list of additional services available to improve your AIRE experience. For each additional service you can view the following information:
  • Price
  • Name of the additional service
  • Descriptive photography
  • Link for obtaining detailed information
  • Link for adding the additional service to your experience

Click on "Add" if you want to improve your experience. Once added it will show a purchase summary to the right of the page. To continue with the reservation, click on "Continue".

  1. How many of you are there? In this phase you have to indicate the number of men and/or women who are going to enjoy the AIRE experience. You have to indicate them in relation to the

AIRE experiences you’ve previously added. The maximum number per gender is 8 people. Click "Continue" to proceed with the reservation.

  1. Summary. This phase shows the reservation summary so that you can subsequently continue with the reservation if everything is correct. It gives you the chance to cancel the reservation.
  1. Reservation data. In this phase you have to enter your personal data in order to finalize the reservation. The obligatory data requested from you is the following:
  • Name
  • Surname
  • Telephone
  • Email

Additionally, you can tell us how you heard about us. Among the possibilities are: Through a friend, Social networks, Press advertising, or Other. If you wish, click “subscribe” and give your express consent to receive promotions and information about Aire.

To confirm the reservation and start the payment process, you must read and accept the terms of use and privacy policy available on this website.

  1. Payment Process. In this phase you will be connected with the payment gateway for the banking entity through which Aire offers this payment method: CaixaBank. To pay for the reservation, you will be asked for the following data:
    • card number
    • CVV
    • Card expiration date
    • ZIP Code
    • Name
    • Address

Once the information has been entered and verified, click on the "PAY" button to make the payment.

  1. Reservation confirmation. Lastly, once the payment has been correctly submitted, you will receive a purchase confirmation email with purchase details and a reference for the transaction.
  2. Once the purchase has been made, the website gives you the option of requesting the invoice, in which case tax information is requested and a pdf invoice is generated. This invoice is sent, in the event that you have any questions, to our reservations and customer service center.
  1. You have the ability to cancel within 14 days after purchase by sending a written communication to the entity’s registered office, or an email to copenhagen@beaire.com that indicates “cancelation of purchase / reservation" and the reservation or order number that appears in the mail sent to you by our reservations department.

Give an experience:

  1. How do you want us to send the gift box?
  2. Do you have a promotional code?
  3. How many people do you want to gift an Aire experience to?
  4. Which AIRE experience do you want to gift?
  5. Do you want the enhance the experience?
  6. Summary
  7. How should we ship the gift box?
  8. Personal data
  9. Payment process
  10. Reservation confirmation

To give one of our AIRE Experiences, click on "Give an AIRE Experience" on the right-hand side of the main page, or click on "Book" from the main menu and choose "Give an AIRE Experience."

  1. How do you want us to send the gift box? Initially you have to choose how you want to send the gift box. You have two options available to you:

1.- Delivery by courier service: We send your gift box by courier service to your desired location and recipient. 2.- Send by email: We send the virtual gift box via email to the person of your choosing.

  1. Do you have any promotional codes? In this phase, once you have chosen the shipping method, you can redeem a promotional code by entering it. If you don't have one, click on "No, thank you" to continue with your booking.
  1. How many of you are there? In this phase you have to indicate the number of people who are going to enjoy the AIRE Gift Box. You have to indicate them in relation to the AIRE experiences that you are going to select. Click "Continue" to proceed with the reservation.
  1. Which experience do you wish to get acquainted with? In this phase the list of available AIRE Experiences is shown. For each experience you get the following information:
  • Price
  • Name of the experience
  • Descriptive photography
  • Link for obtaining detailed information
  • Link to adding the experience to your booking

Click on "+" to add the experience(s) to your booking. Once added it will show a purchase summary to the right of the page, then you must click on "Continue" to proceed with your reservation.

  1. Should we improve your experience? In this phase the list of additional available services to improve your AIRE experience is shown. For each additional service you can view the following information:
  • Price
  • Name of the additional service
  • Descriptive photography
  • Link for obtaining detailed information.
  • Link to adding the additional service to your experience.

Click on "Add" if you want to improve the experience. Once added it will show a purchase summary to the right of the page. To proceed with your reservation, click on "Continue."

  1. Summary. This phase shows the summary of the reservation so that you can subsequently, continue with your reservation if everything is correct. It gives you the chance to cancel the reservation.
  1. How do we ship the gift box? In this phase you have to indicate how we should send the gift box. There are two options to choose from:
  1. Pick up at the Aire establishment
  2. Within 72 hours

Click "Continue" to continue the process.

  1. Personal Data. In this phase you have to enter some additional data depending on the shipping method.

By courier: "Within 72 hours" delivery method. You have to enter the data fields marked as obligatory for the Shipping Address, First Name, Surname, Address, Zip Code, City, State. Click "Continue" to proceed and enter the sender's details.

By email: You are asked for a delivery address that includes the name, surname, email and dedication and you must indicate if you want to send it today or on a specific date. Click "Continue" to proceed and enter the sender's details. In both cases, you then have to enter the sender's personal in the mandatory fields marked as name, surname and email.

Additionally, you can indicate how you heard about us by marking one of the following options: Through a friend, Social networks, Press advertising, or Other.

To confirm the reservation and start the payment process you have to read and accept the terms of use and privacy policy.

  1. Payment Process. In this phase you will be connected with the payment gateway for the banking entity through which Aire offers this payment method: CaixaBank. To pay for the reservation, you are requested to provide the following information:
    • card number
    • CVV
    • Card expiration date
    • ZIP Code
    • Name
    • Address

Once the information has been entered and verified, click on the "PAY" button to make the payment.

  1. Reservation confirmation. Lastly, once the payment has been correctly submitted, you will receive a purchase confirmation email with purchase and a reference for the transaction.

Once the purchase has been made, the website gives you the option of requesting the invoice, which includes a request for tax data. A pdf receipt is generated and you will be sent to our reservation and customer service center so that we can address any questions you may have.

11) Ability to cancel within 14 days after purchase by sending a written communication to the entity’s registered office, or an email to copenhagen@beaire.com that indicates “cancelation of purchase/reservation" and the reservation or order number that appears in the mail sent to you by our reservations department.

Provisions to take into account during the purchase process

15. Product availability

The purchase of products is subject to the availability of AIRE experiences that are possible via online booking. There are no cases of overbooking. In the event of error, Aire will contact the customer prior to booking and will give them the option to either change their day booking or to cancel at no cost to them.

16. Types of products

The website has a wide variety of treatments, rituals and massages that are distributed among separate categories for easy searching.

17. Maximum order amount

The maximum cost is limited by the number of services available per type.

18. How to add to or cancel my order

The User may cancel the purchase of the various products and services offered by Aire within the time frame of 14 calendar days from the date of purchase according to the manner and conditions detailed below.

Reservations can be modified or cancelled up to 48 hours before the reservation date. After this, the customer will lose 100% of the reservation cost. There is an advance charge when making the reservation.

19. Expenses, shipping methods and delivery time

As these services are carried out within the provider’s facilities, there are no shipping or delivery costs.

20. The delivery time

Between the order of the gift box and the date of the shipping company’s first delivery attempt to the address indicated for the order, the delivery time corresponds to the sum of these 2 factors:

  • Delivery preparation time (24h) = validation and verification of your data and payment + order preparation + collection by the shipping company.
  • The shipment time and delivery of your order are indicated in natural days ranging between 2 and 3 days.

In the event that you do not receive a package within the indicated period, an investigation will be carried out together in conjunction with the carrier, which could last several days (the approximate period is fourteen (14 natural days). During this period, no reshipment or refund of the order can be made.

When you receive your package, we ask that you check that everything is consistent with your order and that the shipment packaging is in perfect condition. If you find any anomalies upon receipt, please sign with reservations and indicate the anomaly in writing on the carrier’s delivery note. If you find that the gift box was not delivered in conformity with your order upon opening your package, please contact our Customer Service.

21. Taxes

In accordance with current regulations, any purchase made through the website will be subject to taxes of 25% included.

22. Payment methods

Generally speaking, the User will be able to choose the form of payment:

A) By credit/debit card, which in addition to other info requires:

  1. card number
  2. CVV
  3. Card expiration date
  4. ZIP Code
  5. Name
  6. Address

Once you have confirmed all of your purchase information (items, shipping methods, delivery address and billing) an option will appear asking you to choose your desired payment method and enter your data.

In the event that the payment platform informs you that your card has been refused, the order will automatically be canceled and, as previously mentioned, the customer will be informed online at the time of the cancellation.

Your credit card data will not be stored in our database, as it is entered via the secure website of the selected bank. Your card data is protected at all times thanks to the bank’s secure servers, which use SSL encryption in their communications.

23. General Provisions on the Payment Process

  • The order payment provided by the User necessarily implies the adherence to these General Terms and Conditions as well as of the specific conditions for the order.
  • For any form of payment selected by the User, all payments shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the participating financial entities or secure payment platforms (e.g. Visa, Mastercard, AMEX, etc.) that are applicable to the User.
  • Once payment has been correctly submitted the User will receive an informative email and another email confirming the essential conditions of the sales contract:
  • Contracted services, and a description of the provision itself.
  • Products sent to the address provided by the User:

Aire reserves the right to cancel payments or orders in the event that there are signs of a fraudulent transaction. In such cases, it will inform the competent authorities of said conduct in the hope that an investigation (if warranted) will prevent fraud.

24. The return of defective, damaged or incorrect products, or exercising the right to cancel.

The purchase and/or contracting of any product or service offered by Aire via this website will have a return time of 14 calendar days from the date of purchase before cancellation is possible. For this to be fulfilled, the desire to cancel the contracting must be communicated in a reliable manner within the indicated maximum time frame. The proof of purchase must also be presented or sent, along with the acquired receipt or complete gift box in its case. The return will not be valid 14 calendar days after the date of purchase.

We remind you that when exercising your right to cancel, you will be reimbursed for the product(s) purchased, including the full amount of the purchase, and, if applicable, delivery costs in the sum of the least expensive delivery method. In addition, if you opted for home pickup, the cost of the collection itself will be borne by the customer.

In exercising the right to cancelation, no items may be returned if they are a customized product, do not have their original packaging intact and are unsealed. In this sense, we will not accept the return of any products that show that protective film of the box or wrapping has been manipulated in some way. Should this happen, the value of the item will suffer a similar devaluation.

This provision does not affect the consumer’s rights as recognized by current legislation. For cases where, upon delivery, you think that the product does not conform to the one stipulated in the contract, is damaged during shipment, or is incorrect, you will need to contact us immediately via our contact form, providing the product information as well as details on the damage it suffered.

Once the return request has been examined and the appropriate verifications have been carried out, we will proceed to collect the product at the place of delivery before sending a confirmation email.

We will proceed to carefully examine the returned product and within a reasonable time frame will notify you via email if it should be returned or replaced (if applicable). The return or replacement of the item will take place as soon as possible and, in any case, within 15 calendar days after we send you an email confirming that the return or replacement of the non-conforming item will proceed. The amounts paid for those products that are returned due to a proven fault or defect will be refunded in full, including the costs incurred for delivering the item. The refund will be made via the same payment method that was used to make the purchase.

The rights recognized by the current legislation are not affected. If you received the wrong order, please write to our Customer Service at copenhagen@beaire.com. We will be happy to assist you in correcting the error.

The right to cancelation does not apply to the delivery of products whose features may have been altered.

25. Exceptions to the right to cancellation

The right to cancellation does not apply to the delivery of:

  • Products with features that have clearly been altered.

26. Customer service: Help, Suggestions and Complaints

At any time, you can contact our Customer Service Department to ask for help, make a suggestion or submit a complaint by writing to copenhagen@beaire.com,

27. Provider rights

  • To maintain, modify or suspend its website without prior notice
  • To change offer prices
  • To reject orders due to inventory shortage or non-payment by the customer
  • To reject customer access to computer applications in the event of non-compliance with these conditions
  • To receive the amount paid by the customer, given that there’s a transaction
  • To reserve the right to own and retain full ownership of an item until it is paid in full by the customer
  • To not reproduce, alienate or dispose of the information published by the Provider in all its contents without the express permission of the company itself.
  • To proceed to correct or rectify errors made by humans or computers

28. Limitation of liability

All the information provided by the User to the Provider via the corresponding forms must be truth. It is the User's responsibility to duly update the data supplied to the Provider. In any case, the Provider is exempted from any liability for damages resulting from the user having provided false, insufficient, inaccurate or incorrect information.

Access to the website does not imply any obligation on the part of the Provider to verify the authenticity, suitability, completeness, accuracy, adequacy and currentness of the information provided by the User via the corresponding forms.

The Provider shall not in any case be liable to the parents, guardians or legal representatives of under age or disabled users with respect to authorizing access, providing personal information, website use or the contracting of any products or services offered through the applications or website platform. It will be the responsibility of the aforementioned parents, guardians or legal representatives to supervise the access and usage by the minor or disabled person when contracting the products and services offered via WWW.BEAIRE.COM.

A User’s access to the content does not imply any obligation on the part of the Provider to control the absence of viruses or computer elements that may have a harmful effect on the User's computer equipment. In any case, it is up to the User to have the necessary tools to detect said viruses or harmful computer elements. Consequently, the provider shall not be liable for any possible damage to User or third-party computer equipment when accessing content.

The Provider shall not take responsibility for any interruptions in electrical or telecommunications services that prevent users from using the offered services.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

These terms and conditions shall be governed or interpreted in accordance with the laws of Denmark in matters that are not expressly established herein. The provider and the user agree to submit any controversy that may arise from providing the products or services subject to these conditions to the courts and tribunals of Denmark.